LKIM’s commitment to provide efficient, accurate and satisfactory services to LKIM customers are as follows:
1. Provide the Registrar’s decision on the application of the economic project, the membership category and the proposed amendment to the Fishermen’s Association’s Constitution within 14 working days provided that the document is complete.
2. Ensure all claims are paid within ten (10) working days provided the supporting documents are complete.
3. Provide decision of application for LKIM fish trading license within the period of :
– Less than 14 working days for a new application.
One (1) hour for renewal application provided that all information or documents required are complete and meet the prescribed conditions.
4. Give feedback within the stipulated period :
One (1) working day for media complaints.
Seven (7) working days for public complaints.
14 working days for official letters.
5. Submit an Annual Report and Financial Statement which has been audited to the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry before 30 September.
6. Make the Fishermen’s Living Allowance payment through the fishermen’s bank account on the 15th of every month or on the next working day if the 15th day of the month falls on a non-working day.
7. Provide decision on e-petrol and e-diesel applications received from PNK to State LKIM within seven (7) days.
8. Issue a Registrar’s review on the Fishermen’s Association (PN) Audited Financial Statement within 20 working days.
Client’s Charter Achievements for 2020
* The Client Charter Achievement of LKIM is updated once in every 3 months (on a quarterly basis)