Management Services Division
Carta Seksyen Pengurusan Sumber Manusia
Carta Seksyen Pentadbiran
Carta Seksyen Latihan & Kompentensi
Division Mission Produce competent human capital and provide quality services |
Division Client Charter- Vacant positions will be filled within six (6) months from the date of vacancy.
- Implement the Efficiency Level Assessment (PTK) Examination and the Departmental Services Exam for all position grades at LKIM annually according to the schedule stipulated.
- Provide courses for LKIM officers and staff at all levels.
- Conduct each course and overseas trips according to the annual plans set by the LKIM Management subject to allocation.
- Compulsory and Voluntary retirement matters are processed completely to be presented to the Post-Service Division of the Public Service Department four (4) months before the retirement date and immediately for matters pertaining to derivative benefits provided that the documentations and information are complete.
Division Objectives- Responsible for all internal stakeholders whom are all LKIM personnel in the aspect of human resource management encompassing payment, training and career advancement.
- Long term human resource planning to fulfil LKIM requirements, internal and external stakeholder demands based on the human capital development requirements, trends and predictions in the LKIM human resource management.
- Create a continuity of quality in the leadership within LKIM organisation based on succession plan by creating a search committee, by taking into account the human resource management aspect for the long term.
A. Duties of the Human Resource Management Section- Develop and manage human resources at LKIM.
- Manage LKIM personnel service data.
- Enforce Act 605 at LKIM.
- Manage and plan human capital development at LKIM.
- Manage LKIM Quality Programmes.
B. Duties of the Training & Competency Section- Plan and manage the implementation of Competency Assessment.
- Plan and manage the implementation of Competency Assessment for graded positions that require PMR/SRP and below.
- Plan and manage the Service Examination
- Plan and manage the implementation of KPSL
- Monitor and analyse the results of the Competency Assessment & Examinations and the effectiveness of the impact to the candidates of the organisation as well as the quality of the assessments & examinations conducted.
- Manage the budget projections for the Examinations & Competency Section.
- Determine as well as oversee the implementation of the LKIM Assessment Panel and Examinations Panel.
- Secretariat to panels pertaining to Assessment and Examinations.
- Prepare annual training plan and the projections of the funding required.
- Plan and implement courses/trainings for LKIM officers and staff based on annual planning and Training Road Map.
- Identify, coordinate and process the LKIM officers/staff to be sent to participate in courses organised by external agencies.
- Manage the application and approval for officers & staff to further their study at IPTA as well as regarding their funding.
- Administer and supervise LKIM Training Centre in Sepang.
- Become a secretariat for the LKIM Training Panel.
Contact Us Management Services Division Human Resource Management Section Level 3, Wisma LKIM, Jalan Desaria, Pulau Meranti, 47120 Puchong, Selangor. Tel : 03-80649000 Fax : 03-80603491 |
MISSION Together in shaping a fishing community that is advanced, tenacious and capable of progressing in tandem with the nation’s development as well as creating modern fisheries. |
CLIENT CHARTER- Manage the disposal of LKIM fixed assets that have reached its expiration and have been identified for disposal are settled within a period of 3 months after the inspection report is approved.
- Submit the verification report on the fixed assets of the division each year before 31 January the following year.
- Manage applications to occupy quarters within a period of 14 working days subject to the documents submitted by applicants are complete.
- Provide transportation services to LKIM officers/staff according to Task Priority.
- Prepare inventory supplies and office equipment to LKIM Headquarters/State/PPI/Complex subject to the approval of allocations and priority of needs, 1 month after receiving the application.
- Give allocation approval to LKIM State/PPI/Complex within a period of 3 weeks from the application date subject to the documents submitted are complete.
- Process vehicle/computer loan form within a 1 day working period provided the documents are complete.
- Settle petty cash claim bills within a 1 day working period provided that the supporting documents submitted are complete.
- Prepare the approval letter for promotions counter application from private companies/commercial banks.
OBJECTIVES OF DIVISION- Provide an effective and efficient support service in office management, personnel welfare, quality improvement and asset management.
- Prepare office equipment and facilities as well as other related matters.
- Build-up and maintain the whole assets of LKIM.
A. TASKS OF THE GENERAL ADMINISTRATION SECTION- Provide basic facilities and equipment for creating a work environment that is comfortable and satisfactory.
- Manage and regulate the rental of State/Regional LKIM offices.
- Manage and supervise the transportation facility services and office inventory supply as well as other material supplies to internal customers of LKIM.
- Plan, monitor, and coordinate allocations as well as maintenance/upgrade/repair works of LKIM offices.
- Manage the equipment/fittings of Headquarters, State, PPI and Region.
- Manage the inventory maintenance of Headquarters/State/Regional LKIM.
- Prepare the budget paper to obtain relevant allocations from the Operations Fund and Internal Resources Groups.
- Secretariat of the Office Safety Meeting.
- Manage the maintenance of office vehicles.
- Manage the purchase of new office vehicles.
- Manage the office inventory purchase of Headquarters, State, PPI and Complex.
- Manage vehicle requirement bookings for official matters of the Board, Seminars, Courses, etc.
- Renewal of road tax and insurance of LKIM’s official vehicles including pay order to the Finance and Accounts Division.
- Provide the Petronas and Shell Fuel Indent Card including the cancellation of the mentioned cards.
- Manage registration matters/distribution of mail.
- Manage vehicle loans.
- Manage computer loans.
- Manage housing/land loans.
- Manage petty cash expenditure.
- Manage official printing.
- Manage supplies of office stationeries /souvenirs.
- Manage the delivery of mail/packages.
- Manage food and beverage bookings for meeting/meet-up.
B. TASKS OF THE ASSET MANAGEMENT SECTION- Manage disposal of LKIM’s fixed assets that have reached its expiration and have been identified for disposal.
- Submit the fixed assets verification report of the division annually.
- Manage applications for occupying LKIM quarters.
C. TASKS OF THE LEGAL SECTION- Provide legal advice to LKIM, Fishermen’s Association and subsidiaries of LKIM.
- Manage and responsible for research and ‘getting-up’ for each court case and monitor as well as report the progress of litigation cases.
Contact us: Administration Division Lembaga Kemajuan Ikan Malaysia, Aras 3, Wisma LKIM, Jalan Desaria, Pulau Meranti, 47120 Puchong, Selangor. Tel : 03-80649000 Fax : 03-80603546 |