Online Services
Last updated : 25/07/2023
e-Dana is an online application system for LKIM Fishermen Fund Loan. This system aims to facilitate loan applications, loan monitoring and loan performance for loans taken by Area Fishermen’s Association (PNK).
e-Perlesenan system provide facilities for public use, especially for traders/wholesalers/exporters/importers to apply a license for fish trading via online. Licenses provided by LKIM are Import Licence, Export, Retail, Wholesale and Retail (Private Premises). This system also help LKIM’s officer to process, manage, approve and print the license at the same time and shorten the application and approval process to 10 days working days.
Sistem Pengawalan dan Penguatkuasaan Bersepadu Berkomputer (W-ICCS) dibangunkan untuk memudahkan pengisytiharan dan pemeriksaan ikan dan hasil perikanan yang diimport dan dieksport mengikut Peraturan-peraturan Pemasaran Ikan. Di samping itu ia mempercepatkan urusan import dan eksport ikan serta mengumpul segala maklumat yang berkaitan dengan seluruh pengimport dan pengeksport yang berdaftar dengan LKIM.
The ePengambilan system offers convenience for job seekers to search for suitable job opportunities in LKIM. Meanwhile, PSM can get qualified and potential candidates to fill the job vacancies in LKIM. Through this system job seekers can apply for jobs and PSM can manage the job applications received more efficiently and faster.
e-Pengistiharan system is an application system that can help LKIM to record all landings information for boat owners that enjoyed the fuel scheme for fisherman.
Ikan Online
GOE-EGDMS is an application systems that can help government agencies to manage documents more effectively and efficiently.
e-Nelayan system is a control mechanism for oil sales that had brought a lot of advantages and benefits to the government. It is a system that monitors the implementation of diesel and petrol fuel scheme to fishermen in Malaysia. All records of transactions and control can be detected in real time through this system.
The e-Claim system is a system that allows staff to make claims whether for doing overtime work, travelling within the country or overseas, making mileage claims and also as personal advanced payment when travelling outstation. The system came to effect since January 2014 to replace the existing manual methods for all matters pertaining to claims.
Helpdesk BPM
Salary Portal
Fish Location Determination System
Integrated Data System (IDS)
Asset Management System (SPA)
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